Triskell Software at the heart of the IT Department of Système U
Système U is a French retailers’ cooperative, comprising about eight hundred independent hypermarkets and supermarkets, employing 63 000 collaborators with a turnover of € 23.6 billion. It owns the trademarks Hyper U, Super U, Marché U and Utile, which are used by its members.
Established in 2011, IRIS, the entity incharge of the group’s IT (1 500 stores), covering all aspects from support functions to operations, and from the operational maintenance to development projects. IRIS has about 500 employees.
IRIS had a lot of difficulties to upgrade its traditional on premise PPM solution in place for ten years.
Significant increases in maintenance renewals as well as a failure of price negotiation with the vendor led to the decision to replace the existing PPM product.
The price had to be competitive and timing for implementation of the new solution was relatively short.
It was imperative that the project started at the beginning of the calendar year. GIE IRIS expected a greater ease of implementation with the calendar year, especially for the project time tracking and the relation with the annual budget.
Choice of the tool
The price had to be competitive and timing for implementation of the new solution was relatively short.
It was imperative that the project started at the beginning of the calendar year. GIE IRIS expected a greater ease of implementation with the calendar year, especially for the project time tracking and the relation with the annual budget.
Triskell met the new expectations of the GIE: multi-portfolio management, the ability to rollup one activity on several axes, simple setting and capacity for quick implementation. The Triskell solution was more simplistic to implement compared to other solutions and as a result, the 100% SaaS Triskell Software solution was selected.
The new solution had to be operational within a month.
The Triskell team started their intervention on December 4th for production on January 2nd to 350 employees.
Management was deeply involved with a weekly steering committee. This It was a strategic corporate project impacting 80% of the IT Divisison (IRIS).
The project was conducted in agile mode with a dedicated space for the whole duration of the implementation with a strong involvement from of the PMO. It may be interesting to note that the implementation of Triskell was as short as one month.
Results and Benefits
The Triskell solution perfectly addresses the needs and challenges of Système U’s requirements. User adoption of the new Triskell solution was very good and significantly better than the previous solution, which was also one of the goals sought by IRIS. There was no resistance to change.
The use of Triskell is simple and especially its configuration, enabling to quickly change the settings with complete autonomy to address the new requirements of the business.
Using the web-service provided by the vendor, it was a straightforward exercise to integrate the Triskell solution with Divalto (ERP) and Système U’s DataWareHouse, allowing automatic rolled up reporting on both cost and effort.
Thanks to a strong involvement of IRIS Management, the operational staff and the Triskell team, this project was led successfully on a very tight schedule in 4 weeks with globally 70 mandays including 20 man-days effort from Triskell. It was deployed on 350 users.
Clear requirements were also a key factor of the project’s success.

Business Challenge
Integrate intention management (business demands) as well as the workload and project planning process.
Integration with Divalto ERP.
A multi-portfolio SaaS solution with the ability to rollup one activity on several axes, and with simple settings.
Better visibility and reporting within a real multi-portfolio solution.
Quick development and implemantation.
Good acceptance from users.
Company Overview
Hyper U, Super U, U express, and U utile.
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