Adapt, drive and move your business forward

Streamlines every aspect of your business transformation to ensure a smooth journey towards your organization goals.

Align your business transformation with strategic objectives

Without clear vision and objectives, transformation initiatives can quickly lose momentum and veer off course. Our software enables you to align your transformation efforts with strategic objectives, ensuring that every project and initiative contributes to your organization’s long-term success.

Overcome resistance and drive change

Equip your teams with the tools they need to overcome resistance and embrace change. From comprehensive stakeholder engagement features to robust change management capabilities, Triskell Software facilitates collaboration and alignment at every step of the transformation process.

Navigate complexity with Agile governance

Triskell masterplan

Get agile governance and risk management solutions, allowing you to identify, assess, and mitigate risks in real-time. By proactively managing potential obstacles, you can keep your projects on track and ensure successful outcomes.

Key features for your Transformation Program

Whether you are a Transformation leader, business executive, PMO Manager or Strategy Manager, you have all the functionality at your fingertips in Triskell to ensure that the execution of your Transformation Program is aimed at business success.

Master Plans & Roadmap

Plan and track all the milestones of your transformation program initiatives.


Rate all your initiatives and prioritize the most relevant ones.

KPI Tracking

Monitor whether the objectives of your programs are being met.

Reports & Dashboards

Keep all stakeholders informed on the progress of all your projects and initiatives.

Resource Management

Allocate your resources wisely across all transformation program initiatives.

Resource Planning

Plan ahead to allocate resources to the highest priority initiatives.


Establish objectives and key results to track the performance of your change initiatives.

Strategic alignment

Keep business Transformation aligned with the company’s mission.

What-if Scenarios

Manage different scenarios to visualize the impact of possible changes in the Programs.

A business transformation software for all company roles

A successful transformation program requires the active participation of many stakeholders from all levels of the organization. Transformation leaders, executives, financial controllers, IT managers. Triskell adapts to the needs of any role throughout the transformation program.

Define strategic objectives in an agile way with advanced dashboards. Cascade your strategy planning throughout the organization, ensuring that all departments and people are aligned with your vision and objectives, while breaking down silos.

Triskell for Transformation Leaders

Align your budget planning with the strategic objectives of your transformation program. Get a clear view of the initiatives that cost the company the most money and compare them with the value they add to the overall transformation strategy.

Triskell for Resource Managers

Agile portfolio management requires agile resource planning processes. Apply supply and demand principles so that resource management can be balanced with the organization’s short- and medium-term capacity planning.

Triskell for Financial Controllers

Build a framework for your organization’s transformation program. Run scenario simulations to measure the scope and potential risk consequences, and break down resistance to change on your path to business agility.

Triskell for IT Managers

Integrate all the data of your Transformation Program

Gain complete visibility over every project and initiative associated with your transformation program with Triskell, which offers a number of integrations to keep you informed of the program’s progress at any time.


Much more than business transformation software

Triskell solutions allow you to capture, align, link objectives, initiatives, programs and portfolios across the entire enterprise to get business challenges under control and ensure results.

Recommended Resources


Silos are the biggest challenge for companies when executing their project portfolio. Find out how to eliminate them with Triskell’s solution.


Thanks to Agile leadership you’ll create a work environment in which teams will focus on what brings value to the business. Are you an Agile leader?


Any change brings challenges, costs and extended timelines and not all organizations are ready to make major changes and perform their jobs.

Business transformation software FAQ

Triskell Software is the ultimate support system for your transformation programs, offering a wide range of capabilities to drive success.

  • Strategic alignment: Align transformation objectives and KPIs with your business strategy. Create roadmaps for a focused approach.
  • Project tracking and collaboration: Break down your program into projects, track progress, and collaborate seamlessly.
  • Performance monitoring: Real-time data and analytics to monitor KPIs, project metrics, and financials.
  • Drive success: With Triskell Software, plan, execute, and monitor your transformation programs effectively. Achieve alignment, collaboration, and performance for successful transformation.

Triskell Software’s Transformation Program solution offers a comprehensive set of key features to drive successful transformation initiatives. With strategic planning, project management, collaboration, and performance monitoring capabilities, organizations can effectively manage their transformation programs.

Key features include:

  • Strategic planning and alignment: Define objectives, initiatives, and align with business strategy. Create roadmaps and track progress with KPIs.
  • Robust project management: Break down initiatives into projects, manage timelines, resources, and dependencies.
  • Seamless collaboration: Centralized platform for teams to collaborate, share documents, and communicate in real-time.
  • Performance monitoring and reporting: Track program performance using customizable dashboards and reports. Analyze metrics, KPIs, and financial data for insights and informed decision-making.

Triskell Software empowers organizations in defining and managing transformation program objectives and goals with robust features and a comprehensive framework. Here’s how:

  • Centralized repository: Create a single source of truth for program objectives and goals.
  • Structured documentation: Customize and document objectives clearly and consistently.
  • Progress tracking: Track and monitor progress with KPIs and milestones.
  • Real-time visibility: Gain real-time insights into objective status.
  • Cascading objectives: Translate program goals into actionable tasks.

With Triskell Software, you have the tools to efficiently define, manage, and achieve your transformation program objectives and goals.

Triskell Software empowers organizations to define and manage transformation program objectives and goals with robust features. Capture and align program objectives with strategic direction, ensuring clarity and consistency.

  • Comprehensive framework: Define and document desired outcomes, goals, and targets.
  • Centralized repository: Collaborate on objectives, ensuring a single source of truth.
  • Progress tracking: Set KPIs and milestones, monitor performance, and make necessary adjustments.
  • Cascading objectives: Translate program goals into actionable tasks and deliverables.
  • Performance monitoring: Track metrics, analyze data, and make data-driven decisions for program success.

Triskell Software seamlessly integrates with other project management tools, empowering organizations to maximize their existing systems while leveraging the robust features of Triskell’s project management solution.

  • Smooth integration: Connect Triskell Software with popular project management tools such as Microsoft Project or Jira for seamless data flow and synchronization.
  • Standardized options: APIs and webhooks enable easy data exchange between Triskell and other systems.
  • Beyond project management: Integrate with CRM, ERP, and collaboration platforms for streamlined processes and data consistency.
  • Power of integration: Combine the strengths of Triskell and other tools, enhancing project management capabilities.
  • Efficiency and collaboration: Promote productivity, collaboration, and visibility throughout the project lifecycle.

Triskell Software understands that every organization’s transformation program is unique, which is why we offer flexible pricing options for our Transformation Program solution. Our pricing structure is designed to cater to your specific needs and requirements, ensuring that you can choose the plan that aligns with your budget and goals.

  • Tailored pricing: We provide pricing plans based on factors like the number of users, program scope, and desired features.
  • Personalized quote: Contact our team directly for detailed pricing information and a customized proposal.
  • Assessing your needs: We take into account program size, desired features, and additional services or support you may require.
Ready to bring clarity and direction to your transformation journey?

Triskell Software, named a Representative Vendor - 2024 Market Guide for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools

Triskell Software has been named a Representative Vendor in 2024 Gartner® Market Guide for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools. Discover how Triskell can assist companies to manage strategies, investments, and outcomes efficiently.